MAX CAVALERA Soulfly on the Heavy Metal Wanaka Throwback Podcast


In this episode I have my 2015 interview with Metal icon MAX CAVALERA, talking about the (then) new or upcoming SOULFLY album: Archangel.

MAX CAVALERA founded legendary Brazilian metal band SEPULTURA in 1984,  and after bringing it to global fame, split from the band to strike out on an incredibly prolific and collaborative next step in his music career with SOULFLY, CAVELERA CONSPIRACY, KILLER BE KILLED etc.

With his various projects MAX CAVALERA is on par with one album per year from 2010 to 2017 (time of posting this article in early 2017...)

To fans of Heavy Metal, MAX CAVALERA needs no introduction and is simply an icon. 

His guttural / gritty vocal style is very distinctive, as is much of the themes/ motifs he uses in his work.

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