Heavy Metal Wanaka #8

Welcome to the Heavy Metal Wanaka show episode 8, this week featuring my interview with Juan Brujo of Brujeria.

During the voice breaks, I introduce a new segment to the show, a rather cliched (and creatively titled): The Heavy Metal Wanaka News Segment, featuring news regarding Slayer, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Devin Townsend, Mr Marcaille and maybe more... I put this segment up on youtube for no particular reason...

Also, I talk about wireless headphones and how I enjoy using them. The new Iphone is set to remove the audio jack, but this is not what I'm talking about- headphones. Furthermore, headphones with audio jacks on them so they've effectively dual purpose (i.e. bluetooth & wired). Ear plugs doen't appeal to me, but wireless / bluetooth headphones have won me over.

TESTAMENT- Brotherhood of the Snake
PAIN- Call Me
SKELETONWITCH- The Apothic Gloom
MESHUGGAH- Future Breed Machine
NEUROGENIC- Endless Outrage
ROBOTS AND MONSTERS- King of the World
VOLTURYON- Cleansed by Carnage
DESTROY THE DEVOID- The Endless Cycle of Lunacy
HELLBRINGER- Awakened from the Abyss


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