Double Interview Day

Started the day off with an interview with Mexican-American Brutal Metallers Brujeria, and finished up with and interview with Swedish Adventure Metallers Twilight Force.

These interviews will be featured on next podcasts & upcoming music shows, so stay tuned for more info.

I spoke with Juan Brujo, front man for Legendary Mexican-American Metallers Brujeria are set to release their fourth full length album "Poncho Aztlan" on Mexican Indepence Day, September 16th.

Their songs are brutal, and the ideas they covered are ripped from the realities of the drug war, racial and border issues, with a spin of dark humour.

Second interview of the day was with Lindt, guitarist of Swedish Adventure / Power Metallers Twilight Force. The new album, Heroes of Mighty Magic is more or less out now, (26th August 2016). The album features a narrative running through the album based official lore of the band and the members as characters.


hmw wp iv 25 aug


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