Heavy Metal Wanaka Ep. 2

[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/Heavy_Metal_Space_Farts/heavy-metal-wanaka-ep-2/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]


Number two done and dusted. I had my interview with Alex Erian from Despised Icon this week- which interrupted my usual flow of show prep so (to me) this weeks episode feels a bit rushed. Despite this, however, I did include a couple of New Zealand bands in the roster;

  • Bulletbelt- who have an upcoming 7" split with Bastardizer.

  • Ulcerate- who have released info on their upcoming album & North American tour, due to be released via Relapse Records.

  • Depths- who are playing a few shows in the South Island, at it's closest, a mere several hours drive away.

  • Depraved- who were suggested to me to listen to & their song I featured

From my voice break rant about the video from 2013 that suddenly made the rounds on some of the big metal blogs this last week: Mr. Know-It-All: The Effect of Music on a Child's Brain Development-WIRED [youtube]

WOLF HOFFMANN- Night on Bald Mountain [youtube]
ORACLES- The Beautiful People
ORACLES- The Tribulation of Man
CHELSEA GRIN- Four Horsemen
GRIMNER- Morkrets Hem [youtube]
BASTARDIZER- Demons Unleashed
BULLETBELT (NZ)- Deathgasm [youtube, facebook]
ULCERATE (NZ)- Confronting Entropy [facebook]
DEPTHS (NZ)- Kingdom Come [facebook]
DEPRAVED (NZ)- Carrion Lord [bandcamp, facebook]
DESPISED ICON- Interfere in you days
ROTTEN CASKET- In search of the perfect skin
INSANE VESPER- Of Serpent’s embrace
BRAIN DRILL- Boundless obscenity
GRAVE DESECRATOR- Mephistophallus in Occultopussy

[caption id="attachment_413" align="alignnone" width="607"]20160704_080223 This podcast is recorded in Wanaka, NZ. The other morning, I took this photo from out my back door.[/caption]


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