Heavy Metal Space Farce: Episode IV

[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/Heavy_Metal_Space_Farts/heavy-metal-space-farts-episode-four/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

Heavy Metal Space Farce: Episode IV

We start this episode off with a bit of a French flavour, before delving back into it with a brand new Gojira track. I tell you exactly what I think of Metal United Down Under [youtube trailer] Spoiler: it's pretty choice.

ETHS- Nefas (new)
GOJIRA- Remembrance
UNEARTH- Never Cease [youtube]
OTEP- In Cold Blood [youtube]
GOJIRA- Stranded [youtube] (new)
KORN- No Way
BEASTWARS- Witches [facebook] (new_NZ)
DAWN OF AZAZEL- Irresistible Foe [facebook] (NZ)
OCTOBER TIDE- Nursed by the Cold (new)
ABORTED- Coven of Ignorance (new)
ZHRINE- The Earth Inhaled (new)
CRYPTOPSY- Halothane Glow [facebook events page]
WHORETOPSY- He Wouldn’t Hurt a Fly
THE WRETCHED END- Generic drone (new)
THE ENDING- Garden of Death (new)

[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20160422_173327 ep4 This podcast is recorded in Otago, NZ. This was the scene as I wondered back to my car, after work sometime this week.[/caption]


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